Sunday, July 24, 2011

Just Exciterated!

I had such a nice day today...I love when that happens. I got to spend some time with the family, some friends that I don't see often enough, a "son" I raised but don't see in my "new" life, and some other family that I don't see nearly often enough. I also got to spend some quality time (much-needed) with the PiePie...never a bad thing. The best part about that was that it was to do some looking/shopping for Perry's Paradise...and things are coming together quite nicely if I do say so myself! We had lunch/dinner/supper, whatever you wanna call it, at Chili's, made a trip to the GW for some pillow cases, where we found some oh-so-everly-awesome ones, and then rounded the day off with a cage for our THIRD indoor Boxer in this tiny house (I know, I know....thanks Boo and Adam for that), and then an unexpected trip to the Boro to pick up the Nanna....and not a moment too soon, as would be said by the ever-famous Tim McGraw. She's been complaining for a day or two, so Mom tells me, about her throat....and the photo below was taken right before she burst into tears to tell me how bad her throat was hurting. I tried to get another, but to no avail.....The fun part about getting to get the Nanna (other than missing her and getting her back here to "PiePie's Paradise", as she calls it) was that I got an unexpected treat of seeing the neices!!!! And the sister!!!!! And the Brother-In-Law. Plus, I got a photo of the triplets up there. Betsy and Rodney went to the mountains, and look at the prizes they brought back for the girls!!!! They were so very proud to show off their shirts! By the time we got home, Anna was running a nice-sized fever, and crying endlessly about her throat, and cried herself to sleep. I suppose a trip to the doctor will be in order for tomorrow, along with the seven million other things that will have to be done on the "day off".

Now, on to the other reason I am excited.....CREATIVITY! We went today to the flea market so I could pick up some odds and ends needed to "make" as I call it. I love "making", as you know, so this was the ideal day of fun for me. Unfortuately, the PiePie and his heat stroke left us in conditions that were not as desirable as possible, but I think we made the best of them. At the last person we visited, I found this rock, and the "A" was "blasted" into it....and I loved it....but it isn't practical to have an "A" in your yard or otherwise, even if your name is Abby or Anna without it seeming self-gratifying and weird, so I resisted. Plus, it was $25.00. However, I did tell him if he could come up with a "P"....I would likely be the first in line to purchase is, and I'd be there next month to see what he had. This is the same place that I bought a tiny set of four wooden chairs. They are old, and wood, and chippy, and perfect. I will just be sanding them down smooth so as to cause no splinters, then sealing them off with a coat of Poly so as to keep the lead poisoning at bay. Then, they will be making a trip to the Churn, along with the child-sized rocking chair we purchased, and a few other goodies that we found there. This is not all...I have (at least to me) a huge announcement to make for Perry's Paradise (friend "Perry's Paradise" on Facebook by clicking the "like" button, please) that will be happening tomorrow, so stay tuned. For now, I must go and visit Never-Never Land, because once again, morning will be here all too soon.

G'nite, friends!

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