Sunday, July 31, 2011
Orders galore, Batman!
Here is the before.... And here is the during.....
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
At Perry's Paradise....
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
Signs, Signs, Everywhere There's Signs....
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Just Exciterated!
Now, on to the other reason I am excited.....CREATIVITY! We went today to the flea market so I could pick up some odds and ends needed to "make" as I call it. I love "making", as you know, so this was the ideal day of fun for me. Unfortuately, the PiePie and his heat stroke left us in conditions that were not as desirable as possible, but I think we made the best of them. At the last person we visited, I found this rock, and the "A" was "blasted" into it....and I loved it....but it isn't practical to have an "A" in your yard or otherwise, even if your name is Abby or Anna without it seeming self-gratifying and weird, so I resisted. Plus, it was $25.00. However, I did tell him if he could come up with a "P"....I would likely be the first in line to purchase is, and I'd be there next month to see what he had. This is the same place that I bought a tiny set of four wooden chairs. They are old, and wood, and chippy, and perfect. I will just be sanding them down smooth so as to cause no splinters, then sealing them off with a coat of Poly so as to keep the lead poisoning at bay. Then, they will be making a trip to the Churn, along with the child-sized rocking chair we purchased, and a few other goodies that we found there. This is not all...I have (at least to me) a huge announcement to make for Perry's Paradise (friend "Perry's Paradise" on Facebook by clicking the "like" button, please) that will be happening tomorrow, so stay tuned. For now, I must go and visit Never-Never Land, because once again, morning will be here all too soon.
G'nite, friends!
Friday, July 22, 2011
The Sign.....
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Just when we need it...
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Oh, so very busy!
Today, I had a "day off". On my day off, I got up at 5:30 and left the house at 7:30 for an 8:30 root canal for the Kevster. That was a three and a half hour procedure, so I got in some sewing time. (I'm looking for the positive here!)
Next, I had to argue with the lady who had a skull thicker than the Great Wall of China, and I still got nowhere. We still have a car that is not licensed, and she was absolutely no help in solving the problem I had in getting it fixed. Good thing the neighbor, who happened to once be the owner, was happy to help...we'll see how that goes.
OH...I forgot to say that while we were an hour away from home in said "new car" that no one told me the gas hand floated badly...and if you think you have a quarter of a tank of gas, you really don't. You really have none. I've *never* ran out of gas! Ever! But I did today, and I thought I had a quarter of a tank. Good thing my son and his hefty muscles were present...he had to push the car quite a ways and it just so happened that we coasted it into a church parking lot, and the nice people there were able to help me. Whew. At least it was us, and not Kate on her way home from work at 1:00 a.m. so I won't complain.
Next, we had to go and get shelving for our Butter Churn room...shelving that we were to actually pick up yesterday, and had the day set aside for, only the person that we were to get it from, even though we had prior plans, didn't bother to get in touch with me, and I happened to catch her we went there when we got back from the other excursion. Again, good thing I had my Kevy boy and his muscles, because he was able to help move all the shelving and drag it up 2 flights of stairs to my third-floor room...and that was no small feat, my friends. He is such a good kid...he wouldn't let me help him with the very heavy one, and Michael came to the rescue...twice. Gotta love good time I've said that today!
I was able to spend about 2 hours in my room at the Butter Churn, and oh, what a difference that time made! I need to spend a day there, grouping things together, playing, and rearranging, but it will have to wait now until my next "day off"....but I am excited for the new amount of room and space it has allowed me to have for extra things. Now, to get there and play! It already looks so different, though....I'm really excited.
Tonight when I got home, I ended up having to deliver some things to a lady I was supposed to be helping sell some things on Craig's List or Local Sales, but she sold them, so I had to take them back to her. The flip side of dragging myself back out of the house again was stopping and venting a little at a friend who always listens, seeing some sweet little boys who gave me hugs, albeit a bit unwillingly, and creating her "new" kitchen in my head while we talked. She's so good for me...and to think of how we came to be friends....that's another blog post in and of itself.
When I got home (again), I was able to get some pillow cases all ribboned up and pretty and priced, and then, as a reward, I put these little lovelies together. They will be making their way to the Churn as well.....aren't they fabulous? I think I shall call it a day....tomorrow will be here early....and I had a lot of attitude adjusting to do....but I think it will come with a good night's sleep! :)
Monday, July 18, 2011
The table that I have been talking about and working on in my mind has been completed! It is now drying its first coat of lacquer, and will be the recipient of one more coat. will go back to its home. :)
I had to put a couple of coats of red on it for the words as the wood was very dark, and then, not happy, I added some black outlining. STILL not happy, went back and added the white and wah-lah...magically better! Yay! Now, I have to deliver it and pick up the matching chairs. They are also going to be fun!
Sorry, but I didn't take a photo of the "only black highlights" stage....but here it is with the white... and I aboslutely love how it turned out.
This is also another one that has been in my head for ages. THEN...I found the hand-thrown leaf made out of pottery and the pretty pink flowered saucer is a find that Kate actually picked up. When I saw it, I knew what I wanted to do, and here it is!!!!!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Revisiting Old Times....
In the house that's not my house any more, I had painted a fun beachy scene in the little bathroom...sand, shells, seagrass, clouds, was pretty neat. Nothing special, but I liked it. I also had painted a baseball field for Kevin in his covered the entire wall, and the "border" was the words from a song on the movie Hardball....good movie. We painted over it when we made it into a little girl room for Anna...I'll have to find photos of it somewhere, sometime, and show you. Anyways....on to the house that IS my house now.......
I painted Tori's room for her, and there were really no stipulations...just she knew she wanted a turquoise color for the walls, and so I went with it. I painted and had fun, found a fun comfortor and an Ed Hardy print at the Goodwill, reframed the print, and then painted around it. We were very pleased with the end result. The word "LOVE" that you see actually takes up the entire's pretty big. The circles and words are on the opposite wall.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
A Bowl, Addi, Jell-O, and a Drawing.
I'm so excited about how our little business is growing and what we are doing. I love that these cards can represent us as a family and what we do...raise puppies, paint furniture, draw on walls, find unique items and share them with's all covered under our "Perry's Paradise" business. After all, we are a family who all pitches in to discover finds to be made new again, to scour the yardsales and crannies of our closets to make a perfect find, to help primer and paint, to give ideas and quote Mc D''s fun, and "I'm lovin' it!"
Join us on Facebook by liking our group. Go to facebook, and search for "Perry's Paradise" and click the like button if you haven't already. Also, friend us personally by adding us as a friend. To do this, type in "Abby Mark Perry" on the search page and you will only be shown one link...and it's us! Comment, share your thoughts, your blog page, your business page, what have you, with us....we'd love to hear from you!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
My favorite thing about Pattern, other than it is so very pleasing to my eye and my busy brain, is that it is fun to match Pattern with Pattern. See? They don't go together, yet they do! These are two bowls I picked up last night while perusing the Goodwill with my captive audience, Katie. (Poor girl is probably scarred for life and will automatically twitch when she sees/hears that word....sorry, Kate.) I think no matter how many kitchens I ever own or am a part of, I could never get tired of finding mismatched china to enjoy every day. Who wants to eat off of the same oldl boring plate when they could be surprised by what is at the top of the stack every time that they eat something? Not me, that's who!
Tell me about your they match? Do you enjoy them? Do you wish for new ones? What would they be? Sounds like a good conversation topic for the day, huh? I think I shall start the thread @ so we can chat about it today!
Good Wednesday to you, Friends!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
First, we have this oh, so gorgeous HEAVY (remember when Anna used to say "wavy"?) mirror. It is about 2x3 feet, and OLD. The gold was a little dingy and I wasn't feeling it...looked like something that should be in a museum, so I did a little "Abby" to it and gave her some cul-luh. This is an antiquey blue/green/aqua color...the only way I know how to describe it is that my grandparents house used to be painted this color, and as hideous as it was, I was really upset when the day came that they painted it a plain taupe color. Isn't she pretty? She's way better in person.
Monday, July 11, 2011
This mirror is ha-uge. And Ha-eavy. And O-L-D. But in GREAT shape. I think it is about a 2x3' mirror, with the guilded gold frame, and now, it is antiqued with a true vintage color....that minty/aqua/old color. You know the one? This will be going to the Butter Churn, along with its cohort I picked up this weekend at the sale that our friends had for the Ronald McDonald House. BUt....I had to share Minty's beautaciousness with you before hauling her off to never be seen again.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
I've been having lots of fun making these wreaths for my room at the Butter Churn as well as for my stockpile for the barn sale I'll be participating in this September.... My newest favorite accessory right now is this flower headband from the Crystal Couture store. It doesn't squeeze my head, and I've gotten tons of comments on it. It was hard to concentrate on the conversation the other night with *M* because she kept staring at my head...lil bit distracting...but it was fun. I've worn it a lot this week. It makes me happy.