Thursday, June 23, 2011


As promised, I am introducing you to Chanel....I'm fairly certain that there is only one person in the world who would "get" the reason I named her Chanel....and it clicked with her the instant I told her what Ms. Bear's name was...she replied, "But of course it is...Chenille Chanel!!!" and it made me love her all the more for it. :) Chanel has a new home now with Mrs. Debbie, keeping company with an AWESOME wooden tinker toy airplane that she found and a few other neato items in her loft studio. She will be loved on by many a child over the next years; of that, I am certain. She was oh-so-perfect, and if not for knowing she was going to such a lovely home, I don't think that we could've parted ways. But alas....she is in a super-great place. (And I can visit her any time I feel the need to caress her lovely texture.)

I also wanted to share with you the newest pillow case in a long line of many.....

Don't you just love it? The pink is such a perfect baby-pink, and then there is white piping around the outter edge. I really like this one. I love the neopolitan color scheme, too. (Can ya tell I like this one?) And I love the pop of red from the cherry. I do think that red should be *the* color of all colors, really I do, and I try to put it *somewhere* in my cases and work as much as I can. Usually it is in the form of a heart somewhere. Not always, but mostly.

(Sundae is for sale, so email or comment if you would like to call her yours. She will be going up on Etsy tonight.)

It actually seems that the sun may be out to play today, and for that, I am thankful. Rain, rain, stay away for just a few days, OK?

Happy Thursday, Friends!

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