Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Piggapancake Post

There's been so much going on in the Land O' Perry these last few weeks...but then, when isn't there???  There are a few highlights I would like to touch on, though, and hope I remember the important ones.  LOL.

1.  For my birthday, Kate bought tickets for me to go and see Eric Church.  I have fallen in love with this guy's style, songs, stories, voice...enough to say I believe he would be in my top five all-time favorite singers ever.   Period. 

1. a.  I was able to go to the concert with one of my top five all-time favorite people in  the whole entire universe:  Nycole.  The funny  thing about Nycole is that she has been a part of my life for over 20 years now (that makes me feel old to say it like that).  *BUT*...we didn't know each other.  We spoke... you know, the normal "How are you?" or some small talk over Christmas of the only two times a year we saw each other.  Then there came a time when she desperately needed me, and I desperately needed her, but we didn't know we needed each other, but God did, and He managed to get us's been over a year now, I think, since we've become closer friends, and I'm sad that we wasted all the time not knowing each other, when we could have had this friendship all along.  BUT...the flip side is at least we are now, and maybe it had to happen when it did for us to appreciate it the way we do. 
What do I love about this girl?  Besides her quick witt and her spunk, she has listening ears, and a caring heart.  She's always sure to make me laugh and have a good time, me just being me, and she just being she.  We've held each other up through some rough times, and we laughed together through a lot of fun times.  Back to what I love...other than all that...I love that she's always up for anything...concerts, rock-hunting, taking a walk, just sitting and enjoying the doesn't matter....she'll always be up to going or doing....she's a trooper like that.  (I'm not easy to keep up with, just in case you haven't gathered that already.)  The best part is that we are just right around the corner from each other, literally...less than a mile, I think.  In all of God's green Bethpage and Westmoreland area, he put us right there, together.  And boy, has that come in handy for late-night talks, pick-ups, and drop-offs of kids...and, well.....just because.  Just because I *know* she is right around the corner should I need her.
So, for my birthday, we went to the Eric Church concert with the tickets that my Katie bought.  I just have to love that kid.  She is the most caring and generous and loving person...nough said.  We took Kevin, Mitchell, and Alexis and they hooked up with Katie down there as their seats were all together.  We had quite a few laughs on the ride home, especially...any time you put "Kevin and Mitchell" into one sentence...ya better watch out!  :)

2.  Mother's Day (and coincidently, my birthday as well).  It was a nasty, rainy day.  For a myriad of reasons, Katie and I ended up alone, staring out at the rain, and decided to take Nycole up on her birthday lunch offer, so we trekked out to get some lunch...and do a little shopping, too.  As always, a great time was had, the rain slacked off, and rain or no, there was a lot of sunshine in my time with them.  :)  When we got home, Kevin and Mitchell and Anna came over to tell me Happy Mother's Day, and we all got to just sit back and talk and laugh.  Just me and my kiddos....there's just nothing better than having them all in the same room, at the same time, laughing and being happy together.  I was given my Mother's Day/Birthday card, and some very awesome earrings, which I happen to be sporting today:
Sorry for the scariness, but it's hard to take a picture of your ears, lol.  I think part of the day that gave me the biggest smile was when the boys came tromping back in the house around 9:00 and I asked them what they were up to, and they said to come and tell me Happy Birthday, because it was my BIRTHDAY!!!!  :)  Two trips for two holidays, all wrapped up into one day....gotta love their creativity. 
I may be a tad bit prejudiced, but I think I have the best kids in the whole entire universe. 

This turned out longer than I thought, so we'll have to get to #'s 3-5 in another post....if I can remember what they are!  :)

Happy Thursday!

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