Dear Mom and Dad,
There are some things that have popped up in my recent expeditions that have brought to my attention that I need to thank you for a few things. Stay with me here....
1. Thank you for teaching me to have a need for people even when you don't need to use those people.
2. Thank you for teaching me that it is ok to lean on shoulders as much as I need, but it is not ok to stand on those shoulders in order to get what I want, or where I want to go.
3. Thank you for teaching me to look out for others first, then myself...not vice versa.
4. Thank you for teaching me to have respect for people I love, and in turn, they will respect me.
5. Thank you for teaching me to be a pleasant person to be around, and on that note, thank you for teaching me that it is true that the best makeup a girl can wear is her smile. (Dunno who to attribute that's not my own.)
6. Thank you for teaching me that being snide and snippy and sarcastic is not becoming. Ever.
7. Thank you for teaching me the Golden unto others as I would have them do unto me.
8. Thank you for teaching me not to be lazy, but to jump in and get the task at hand done, and with a smile.
9. Thank you for loving me when you had to teach me these things, for it has taught me to love my own children while I try to teach them those same things.
10. Thank you for just being you for me.
I love you.....
they truly did a wonderful job with you, and you're doing a wonderful job with your kids. you are by far the most pleasant person I know! Truly a beautiful soul